Friday, October 31, 2008

black cat day

first, i'd like to wish a happy black cat day (hallowe'en) to huffle and all the other house panthers! today is our special day!!!

mommy needed a costume so she put on her black cat ears and tail and went to work that way today. she gave me lots of pets before she left and told me how special this day was for me. when she got to work, she realized that she needed to add to her costume, so she got a computer mouse and dangled it out of her pocket so she could say that she caught a mouse. (her co-workers think she is a geek. i kind of agree.)

one of her co-workers was dressed as a witch so mommy became her black cat. this co-worker gave mommy a black cat which she introduced to me tonight. it's name is trickery.

i think trickery is cool.

we had lots of human kittens coming around in costume tonight. one was even dressed as a black cat! mommy got home in time to see a few of them. here is mommy in costume with me.

mommy doesn't have the mouse on her hip because she had to leave it at work.

it has been a good black cat day today!



Crystal said...


Teddy Westlife said...

Hi Edda! Mum and dad are back from their big holiday and I can get free use of the computer again. Please tell your mum that my mum said congratulations about the kitten in her belly! It's been a big month for you while I've been away, hasn't it?

Huffle Mawson

My Two Best Friends said...

Meow Meow Edda

We hope you had a wonderful Halloween!!! Great picture of you and the little kitty-kat stuffie!

Mama, MrSippi and Carolina