Tuesday, January 19, 2010

mommy is blogging for haiti

mommy is doing a blogathon to raise money for the earthquake victims in haiti. she will be spending 12 hours writing a murder mystery as her theme. i do not know what an earthquake is but mommy was in a BIG one when she was a kitten. i think it was as big as the one in haiti though the damage was not quite as bad. she has promised that there will be a black cat in the story, so i approve.

on sunday, i was walking by the daniel chair when he reached out and touched me. i was a little affronted but i let him pet me. mommy has been rubbing his head and back like one would pet a kitty so i think he is learning what to do. he has a gentle touch, anyway. i have also discovered that mommy can give me pets with one hand when she is feeding him or doing "tummy time" with him, so i will climb on her lap and have snuggles then.



NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Your mommy is furry special fur doing that -

I know my mom already pawed something on your mommy's blog about it -

Take khare of that little daniel khytten!


Teddy Westlife said...

Your mum is a good mum!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Your mum is very special. You take good care of her and the special Daniel kitten.. HUgs GJ x

Mack said...

Thanks for letting us know!